Senior Adviser, Lead ESG & Sustainability FTI Consulting South Africa
Karin is an experienced corporate sustainable development professional. She has worked at international level for the past 20 years and brings deep knowledge of environmental, trade and developmental issues. Her focus is on embedding and integrating sustainable development into daily business practice, promoting positive change: she has deep experience in the financial services, energy, mining sectors. She works closely with the IFC, the World Bank and blue chip corporate sector clients. Recent work includes drafting of a technical paper on Financing a Sustainable Economy for the National Treasury and chairing its working group on implementing the TCFD, which will be issuing guidance and principles for reporting for financial services companies.
Other work she is leading is on developing guidance for the regulators of State Owned Enterprises. She co-authored the Principles for Responsible Banking for the members of UNEPFI. She has served on several boards, including Aureus Mining, the National Business Initiative and is a trustee and currently chairs the Social Ethics and Remuneration Committee of the Endangered Wildlife Trust in South Africa. She is a member of the Institute of Directors and chaired its Sustainable Development Forum for from 2009-2020. She chaired the Global Reporting Initiative's Stakeholder Council for four years. She serves on the Integrated Reporting Committee in South Africa and on the associated working group. She has lived and worked and presented in a number of different countries and has a deep passion for and understanding of the African environment and developing countries. She has worked closely with UNEPFI on issues of climate change and the financing of the transformation to a greener economy. She serves as a non executive Sustainable Business Committee member for Camco Clean Energy and is a Global Advisory member of IMpacto, Malaysia.